Role Of Machine Learning In Shaping Mobile App Industry

Today we have been listening a lot of technological advancements and especially the ones concerning with machine learning app development. It has been seen that it is disrupting the mobile app development industry that we have today and so it becomes important to have a clear picture about everything that we have in the platter.

The time of simpler technologies and generic services has long gone and we are today living in a truly machine-driven world. By saying machines we are implying on a technology which is capable to understand human behaviour and offer solutions that helps to make our lives easier and better. If you give a thought to this technology then you will realize that it is not that simple for machines to learn human behaviour on their own and behave naturally back. This means the machines we are talking about is not any simple ones like the ones out there.

Technologies are moving at a fast speed and in case there is any dissatisfaction within the first five minutes in terms of using the brand and apps or even the technology, it will not take much time to think and make a switch and use something else. This clearly shows how strong and fierce the competition is out there and mobile app development companies need to gear up to match with these fast evolving technologies as they cannot afford to lose the race. One such company which has been delivering such highly performing apps is iOS Developer California. Read also,

Why Is It Necessary For Startups And Small Businesses To Have Mobile Apps?

Today most of the utility mobile apps that we are dealing with are powered by machine learning. For example, book a cab on the app and it will show you the real-time location of the rides, open a food delivery app and it will show the discount on your favourite restaurants based on your previous orders, Google map shows you the best route to save your time when you are out for your office ride and much more. People are now more relaxed and less stressed as they are not much anxious about their dealings because it is handled by the use of smartphones and mobile applications.

Some of the things that we have learned are:

  • Over the next three years the number of businesses investing on machine learning is going to get double.
  • Among the funded startups, machine learning and AI-driven apps tops the list.
  • To improve sales and marketing, 40% American businesses make use of machine learning.
  • With machine learning the banks in Europe have been able to reduce their churn rates by 20% and product sales by 10%.
  • Machine learning has help 76% of American companies to get over their sales target.
For any business growth in terms of profit means much and this can only become possible when you are able to retain your existing customers and make new ones. For mobile app development companies and developers they need to integrate machine learning into their development so as to turn their simple apps into amazing ones.

Know how machine learning is good for your mobile app development

Personalization: With machine learning algorithm integration on the app it becomes possible to analyses the behaviour and usage patterns of the mobile app users. You can collect information from different sources based on their app activities, social media behaviour and much more. Such collected information will allow to make recommendations to improve the usage of app on the device.

Mobile app development and machine learning web app can be used to learn a number of things like:

  • Who your customers are?
  • What are their liking?
  • What can be their budget or what they can afford?
  • What keywords are used by them to talk about different products?
Such kind of collected information will help you to understand the patterns in customer behaviors and you will be able to know who your audience are for target marketing. You will be able to offer quality and more relevant content to your potential customers with the help of machine learning and through this you will be able to send a clear message to your users that you are offering them customized ones using AI.

Advanced Search

You get to optimize the search options on the mobile applications through the ideas you get from machine learning. For the users machine learning makes the search results more contextual and intuitive. From the different queries put up by the users, machine learning algorithms learns and based on this results of queries it prioritize them. Apart from the search algorithms, you get to collect user data that includes search histories and activities from the modern mobile applications too. This data along with search requests and behavioral data can then be used to rank your products and services so that you will have the best ones to be shown in the results.
"For the better performance of the mobile application you can think about adding in gestural search or voice search."

Predicting User Behavior

One of the main benefits you get to enjoy as a marketer when you make use of machine learning algorithm in your app is that you can understand the behaviour patterns of the users and know about their preferences easily. This can be known by going through different data which are based on gender, age, search histories, location, app usage frequency, etc. The collected data helps you to improve your marketing efforts all the while improving the effectiveness of the application.

If we take the examples of the big brands out there it can be evident to you easily. The recommendations made by Netflix to the users and the suggestions given by Amazon works on the same principle of machine learning which targets towards offering a personalized experience to each individual user. The number of brands now using this option is increasing and everything for them to build user profiles and preferences is based on the predictions that they get from machine learning algorithms.

More Relevant Ads

As per a number of experts in the mobile commerce industry it is believed that you can only achieve success for your business by offering personalized experience every time to the users.

As per one of the reports from The Relevancy group, it is said that for advertising on the data management platform, 38% executives have already started to make use of machine learning for their mobile apps.

Through proper integration of machine learning into mobile apps, marketers can easily prevent themselves from approaching the buyers with products and services that are of no interest to them. Instead of that, you can easily focus all the energy towards coming up with ad campaigns which your users will find interesting.

With right use of machine learning in mobile app development, companies can save money which can otherwise waste in inappropriate advertising and work towards improving the reputation of the brand. Today all kinds of businesses can make use of the data that come from machine learning in order to save money and time which was otherwise wasted in wrong advertising and, work on improving brand reputation.

Improved Security Level

In case of mobile apps machine learning helps to secure and streamline app authentication apart from acting as an effective marketing tool. Features like audio recognition or image recognition makes it possible for the users to set up security authentication in the form of bio-metric data for the case of mobile devices. With the use of machine learning you can also offer proper access to your customers too.

Apps such as Bio-ID and Zoom Login makes use of machine learning on the mobile apps in order to help the users to make use of Face IDs and fingerprints to set security locks for different apps and websites. For partly visible eyes, Bio-ID even offers periocular eye recognition. With machine learning you can keep your mobile device safe from malicious traffic and data. You can detect and ban suspicious activities with the help of machine learning algorithms.

Machine Learning with R

How are mobile app developers gaining from artificial intelligence?

So we have seen things about machine learning app so now let’s take a stride through the benefits of mobile app that is powered by AI. Such an app is definitely good for the users but at the same time for the developers. One of the benefits is that developers get to develop hyper-realistic apps by choosing artificial intelligence.

Uses of artificial intelligence with mobile apps are:

  • As a part of artificial intelligence in mobile technology, machine learning can be easily incorporated.
  • It will become possible to process large volumes of data to predict human behaviour as a part of predictive analysis.
  • You can filter out harmful data as well as include security measure using machine learning for mobile apps.
In order to identify the characters which may have been missed out from the developers end, machine learning helps with optical character recognition application. For Natural Language Processing apps, the concept of machine learning works well.

With the help of machine learning you can easily bring down the development efforts for the developers in terms of efforts and time but along with that you can reduce the testing and updation time too. Read also,
What's Possible With Artificial Intelligence for Your Business

What are the best platforms to carry out mobile app development with machine learning?


It is a cloud solution from Azure. Azure comes with a number of accessible tutorials, big support community and high-quality multilingual documents. The programming languages used for the platform are Python and R. It is possible for the developers to come up with mobile applications with right forecasting capabilities because of advanced analytical mechanism.

IBM Watson

The best thing about IBM Watson is that regardless of the format, the developers will get to process user requests comprehensively. Through different approaches, any kind of data which includes printed formats, images or voice notes can be quickly analyzed. This is something unique offered by IBM Watson. For the search options, other platforms include complex logical chains of ANN.


Tensor is an open source library from Google. It is used to come up with different solutions that is necessary to solve nonlinear issues based on deep machine learning. Based on the communication experience of the users within the environment Tensor flow applications work and then for the user requests they come up with right answers. If you are a beginner, this is not the best choice for you.

This is a platform which makes use of contextual dependencies and comes from the Google development team. You can make use of this platform to come up with virtual assistants based on AI for iOS and android. Two of the important concepts on which this platform is based are Roles and Entities. Roles are the accompanying objects which are used to determine the activities of central objects which are Entities. The algorithms of this platform have been strengthened by powerful database.

This one and the above mentioned one have almost similar kind of platforms. With the help of you can get printed texts from speech files. You can manage to get context-sensitive data using “history” and it can easily come up with answers which are more near to the user queries. This can work good especially for the chatbot service for eCommerce stores. You can make use of this platform to create mobile apps using machine learning for Android, iOS, or Windows.

Hire Mobile App Developer for Machine Learning App


Opting for machine learning in mobile app development is completely justifying today. This is for the single reason that it fills up the mobile app with a good number of personalization options which can make it more effective, efficient and usable. With right use of concept in mobile apps you will be able to get ahead with offering best experiences to the users.


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